// zariadenia a systém

Modernizácia obce

Moderný spôsob poskytovania aktuálnych informácií pre občanov a návštevníkov obce. 

Oznamy obce, cestovný poriadok, počasie, reklama – všetko  na jednom mieste v modernom dizajne.

Zoznamy spojov

Complete equipment for both regular and irregular bus transportation.

Obecné oznamy

Our systems are similarly efficient in train traffic, tramways and trolley-buses.

Výsledkové listiny

We are able to support smooth operation also in mass systems like subways.

Smútočné oznamy

Thanks to system versatility, our equipment fits any other means of transport.

// our expertise

How Can We Help Your Fleet Efficiency?

Fare Collection

Increase passenger flow at all bus doors and sell tickets in several ways offering multiple payment options.

Sustainable Technology

Reduce energy consumption by switching to low-energy technologies and paperless tickets.

Connection With Drivers

Use voice and SMS notifications and alerts to keep in touch with drivers in real-time.

Information Systems

Provide passengers with all the important information in the vehicle - trip information, announcements and ads.

Technical Data Collection

Collect status information and gather diagnostic data of connected subsystems, including vehicle parameters.

High Level Of Security

Improve transport security and increase control over your vehicle by using intelligent security devices.

// naša odbornosť

Ako vám pomôže digitalizácia?

prispôsobenie požiadavkám obce

Increase passenger flow and check-ins pace at all bus doors and sell tickets in several ways offering multiple payment options.

zvýšenie komfortu pre seniorov

Reduce energy consumption and protect environment by switching to low-energy technologies and paperless tickets.

odolnosť voči vandalizmu

Use voice and SMS notifications and alerts to keep in touch with drivers in real-time.

zvýšenie bezpečnosti na zastávke

Provide passenger with all the important information directly in the vehicle - trip information, announcements and even ads.

lepšia propagácia u turistov

Improve transport security and increase control over your fleet by using combination safekeeping devices for intelligent vehicle.

zlepšenie kvality života pre občanov

Collect status information and gather diagnostic data of all the connected subsystems, including vehicle parameters.

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Equipped Vehicles

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Projects Done

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// Fare Collection Systems

Solárne Informačné zariadenie

Moderné informačné zariadenie aj pre miesta bez elektrickej prípojky.

// Vehicle fleet control

LCD / LED Displej

Digitálne informačné tabule pre okamžité zverejnenie aktuálnych informácií.

// Fare Collection Systems

Different Ticketing And Sales Channels

Boost your revenues by providing new ways how and where to buy tickets. Equip your intelligent vehicle with EMlines system and let passengers are travel fast and easy without any difficulties of casual systems.

Regular Upgrades

Continuous improvement and innovation are our key priorities.

Provided With SDK

Devices are delivered with SDK for own application development.

Custom Design

Visual appereance is adjusted to custom design characteristics.

Produced In-House

We carry out all activities at our headquarters in Central Europe.

Okamžitá aktualizácia

Continuous improvement and innovation are our key priorities.

Z pohodlia domova

Devices are delivered with SDK for application development.

Bez potreby tlače

Visual appereance is adjusted to custom design characteristics.

Vlastný dizajn

We carry out all activities at our headquarters in Central Europe.

// Security systems

Safekeeping, Precautionary Signalling And Alerts

Make your transit operation safer with high definition cameras, panic buttons and DVR units. Provide a safer passenger experience throughout your day-to-day transport routes.

// Managing from one place

Connected With Dispatching System

Device Status Monitoring

Indication of malfunctions, failures and alarms.

Remote Control

Real-time changes and communication with drivers.

Reports And Reviews

Performance monitoring on operational level.

// Managing from one place

Connected With Dispatching System

Device Status Monitoring

Indication of malfunctions, failures and alarms.

Remote Control

Real-time changes and communication with drivers.

Reports And Reviews

Performance monitoring on operational transport level.

    Ready To Get Started?

    Fill out the form below and do not hesitate to contact us with your inquiry.

      Ready To Get Started?

      Fill out the form below and do not hesitate to contact us with your inquiry.